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Unlock the benefits of itez Over-the-Counter trading for yout business
Premium solution to make prompt and efficient borderless transactions
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Execute any orders quickly and conveniently
Our over-the-counter desk provides execution and settlement services that are prompt and regulated.
Smooth onboarding
Enjoy personalised and dedicated support to help onboard private and corporate partners
Transparent pricing
All-inclusive rates with no hidden fees for a wide list of crypto and fiat currencies supported
Fast settlements
Trade crypto to fiat quickly with the majority of trades dettled on the same day
Get in touch
How to start trading Over-The-Counter in 3 steps
Our over-the-counter desk provides execution and settlement services that are discreet, secure and ultra-competitive.
Reach out to us
Don't hesitate to fill out the website form or send us an email. Our experienced team member will then contact you to discuss your specific trading requirements
Pass KYB
Collect the required documents. We will guide you through the verification process and help you with every step oт the way
Enjoy trades
Most of them are settled on the same day
Trade cryptocurrencies with ease
Buy, sell and swap all major cryptocurrencies. Choose among various types of assets and supported networks that help you choose the best option that suits your preferences
Deep liquidity
Leverage extensive global and local networks, facilitating tailor-made solutions for large-scaled clients
Fast settlements
Trade crypto in EUR quickly with most of the trades settled on the same day
Access our team of veteran traders for expert support throughout your entire trading journey.
Direct access
From your initial conversation to your first trade - you’ll have a direct line to our OTC trading experts.
Trade with ease
Our OTC solution supports stablecoins, all major crypto assets, and networks.
Constantly in touch
Instant responses to any questions without days-off or breaks 24/7/365
What is OTC crypto trading?

OTC stands for over-the-counter and is often referred to as off-exchange trading. OTC trading is not specific to crypto, and is an essential feature of most tradable markets.

Usually, an agent or broker is used to bring buyers and sellers together. This differs from on-exchange trading, where many buyers and sellers can post their own price levels on an order book and wait for an opposing buyer/seller to trade with them at their posted price.

Protecting your assets is our top priority
1:1 reserves
At all times we maintain a full 1:1 reserve of fiat money and crypto assets to ensure seamless liquidity and flawless service provision
Regulated and Audited
Being a Lithuanian FCIS supervised service provider, we apply strict compliance and accountability standards and regurarly pass independent checks and audits.
Segregated funds
We maintain complete segregation of all client assets to ensure that when you need to make a withdrawal you can. We keep your assets safe. That is our promise.
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